PANArt reactivated the old domain on July 1st, 2013 to offer a new book ‘Hang – Sound Sculpture’. From the cover text:
“The hang was born at the beginning of the millenium in Bern, Switzerland. The sound of this new metal sound sculpture went around the world. Its inventors and builders, Felix Rohner and Sabina Schärer, offer detailed insights into their research and their work on the sound of sheet metal, which has led them to a new sound sculpture, the gubal. The accompanying CD provides some first impressions of the sound of the gubal.”
The book is available in German, English and French. Those considering purchasing a Hang or a Gubal will find important information and suggestions, that may help them make decisions.
There aren’t any news from PANArt yet about how the instruments will be distributed this year. However additional information will be published on the new website soon, that will answer these questions.
(German, English, French)
You find current information in
Information about purchasing a Hang and Information about buying a Gubal
Ouuiiii! I am soooo curious on the sounds of Gubal! I’ve already ordered the book and now I am waiting like a child on christmas evening.
Dos book hav meny pictures as my England good not?
I must congratulate you on the success of the new instrument Gubal.
The hard part will be well to find equitable distribution of this. No easy task, but we hope you’ve figured out something ingenious way for this.
Wish you all the best for the future of Gubal. The world is waiting including me.
Exciting times, can’t wait for my book! I love the passion put into development of this new sound sculpture… I don’t own one of these beautiful creations, but love the anticipation of maybe doing so one day!
hello! finally something is moving! I ordered the book…however will it be possibile to purchase a ‘normal’ Hang or only the Gubal will be avaiable?
thanks in advance Michael
Kind regards
Hi david,
it’s all in the article above.
so there are no news
sorry, you are right….
I already bought the book. But I couldn’t find the date of arrival. May I know how long will it take to arrive? It’s stressful not knowing when.
Thanks in advance for any information Michael.
Hi Jose,
the book is distributed by PANArt. I am not involved in this process. I have no idea what’s going on with your ordered book.
Ok, thanks Michael!
I’ve seen the patented pictures and the description of the Gubal…looks like it’ll be a hard one to mimic physically AND legally. PANArt really covered all their bases this time. ;) VERY excited to hear this thing in action! Cheers to Sabina and Felix!
Just received the book and the cd. Fascinating read and the Gubal sounds extraordinary…… suprises there!! Thank you Felix and Sabina.
ahahahahahah…I’m going crazy! Is the sixth time that PanArt answer me. I’m flattered and this time they sent me a postcard with this question:
what is the essence of the hang?
While I meditate on the response, look forward to the book that I ordered.
Hey Uolter! Do you already have a Hang?
No way…only tons of letters :(
No worries bro,just keep your heart clean an we will! :D
Je decouvre le son du Gubal,Merci Felix et Sabina.Apres le chant du rythme avec le Hang,c’est devenu l orchestre des doigts,l air et la terre..
Oh, thanx Jose.Being able to keep clean my heart thinking that my first letter was sent 10 years ago is not so simple. But having received an answer to 6 times gives me the strength to continue to hope …. and the price goes up again unfortunately.
Hello folks,
I wrote to Felix and Sabina about a month ago for the first time and to my surprise Felix replied. Here is what he wrote “Hello Mr. Jay, Thank you for inquiring into PANArt Hang. For more info log on to or Best wishes from Felix and Sabina”
I am honored to have received a reply from this great artist. I will never loose faith in keep trying! Hang in there friends.
Hi everybody!
I’ve received mine the 12th of July, in the morning and I was so happy that I’ve made a video.
(For those who still hesitate to buy this magnificent book and its CD, which I already have listened several times… ).
I’ve imagined it like a kind of a little funny “homage” (not a copyright violation) to the wonderfull work and message of peace, beauty, comunion and creation from Sabina and Felix and the PANArt 20th birthday. :)
(And to spread the good news).
Well, to end this post, I’ve just to say that I would looooove to have the possibility to buy and play the Gubal (but I’m sure I’m not the only one to have this wish… ;) ).
This new instrument is really a new gift to the World (the Hang was one too) and its sound is so profound but still aerial… well, really beautiful :)
A masterpiece!
Here it is (in 1080p, so I suggest to play it in fullscreen mode):
(Entirely made on Apple iPad mini)
I hope you’ll enjoy it (and perhaps Sabina and Felix too, if they find it…) as well as I enjoyed to do it when I received the book, because I was just like… “crasily” happy and jumping around like a child. ;)
See ya folks! ^_^
I, too, am honored to have received a reply to my letter, and along with it, an invitation to acquire the new book and to explore the Gubal more deeply. Of course, we all love the Hang, and many of us have waited many years for the chance to care for one. That said, I have full confidence that Felix&Sabina have created something incredible as of late. I eagerly await the book and the opportunity to know the story of their art from their perspective, and to hear the new sound sculpture. Thank you again Michael for all your efforts here.
Hi.. Where can i buy this Hang. I’m From Malaysia
Read this please.
got the book….no doubt, another masterpiece. Very hard to choose between Hang or Gubal!
Felix and Sabina are true artists…
I received my book 3 days ago, I’ve played the cd through many times.. I’m mesmerised!
I only got close to a ‘hang’ in Germany, in Kassel, where a percussion shop had one to play.. I needed many more hours.
I look forward to finding more about the gubal, love the sound..
Absolutely an artistic masterpiece..
Ordered the book almost without having a good look into it. I only realized later the it has only 44 pages!! Well, it has a nice cover and a CD inside BUT…i think its extremely expensive for what it is. 31.50€!!?
I got it today and am happy about it but…dont like that it is so expensive. With all due respect, i dont want to start thinking that all this Panart thing is starting to be a elitist thing!! Only “giving” Hangs to certain persons who fill the requisites (that they decide which are), and releasing a book of 44 pages for 31.50€!
Still in the end…the sound is fantastic, which is what counts more to me, and not the philosophy/esoteric thing around it!
Thanks Michael for keeping this blog alive even if now is active again. Probably you havesome peace with the same questions all the time! ;)
is difficult for me to remove from the ears the sound of the hang, but to see Felix and Sabina to play the new creature is exciting.
I prefer the Hang sound over the new Gubal. The middle bass should be left to other instrument like a djembe or other kind of drum that can play along the Hang.
I wonder… when these two producers die or get ill, I hope they pass the craft and teachings to their children or leave behind some book on how to produce them. People are not immortal but an instrument like the Hang should be. Please think of this as you start aging and focusing on other new instruments.
I doubt that I will get my hands on a Hang in this time, (since it is so hard or expensive to obtain), but I will definitely would like to have the privilege to at least play one some day.
Thanks for the link Uolter!
Franchement 34€ pour un bouquin de 44 pages avec cd ok !!
Je suis très déçu par les créateur du panart,il me semblait qu’ils étaient dans sorte philosophie au dessus de l’argent, là c’est bien la preuve que tout est bon pour faire du pognon.
J’imagine qu’ils ont une vie plus que confortable grâce à la vente de leurs hang drum, ils auraient quand même pu faire une sorte de cadeau à tous les gens qui comme moi rêvent un jour de posséder leur instrument, tout en sachant qu’il est pratiquement impossible d’en obtenir un.
Tous les gens qui les suivent depuis des années, les supportent, les admirent, un petit geste pour eux quoi!! je sais pas vendre le bouquin juste pour payer les frais mais ne pas faire de fric la dessus, c’est plutot pathetique.
Sinon j’ai trouvé des gens qui eux aussi fabriquent des steel pan, mais on est dans une autre démarche, ceux là ne se la pètent pas.
Vous pouvez découvrir GRATUTEMENT des photos des différetes étapes de la fabrication de leur instrument sur
Des gens simples, symphatiques près à partager leurs savoir et passion sans chichis et sans frais, et qui vendent leurs instruments sans lettre de motivation et toutes ces boulshit, juste mettre son nom sur une liste d’attente.
Tout cela pour dire que depuis que je connais le hang drum, je rêve de pouvoir en jouer un jour, mais je me suis rendu compte qu’ avec panart cela resterait un rêve, mais bon j’arrivais à comprendre la démarche des créateurs, une certaine philosophie, non aux profits ect, mais là avec ce bouquin cela m’a soudain ouvert les yeux.
En fait ils sont comme tout le monde, ils possèdent la poule aux oeufs d’or et veulent en faire de l’argent.
“Qu’ils le donne ce bouquin!!!”
Félix and Sabrina that’s not correct what you’re doing : “give this book!!”
Congratulations Felix and Sabina. I find this another ‘natural’, yet intelligent evolution of your research.( wouldn’t have expected anything else ….) The Gubal seems to incorporate more the rythm-and-bass component into the notes and makes the combination much easyer. The depth of the sound is great.
I often play the Hang with right hand on the upper-side and left hand under the hang while it is flat on my knees… a bit strange maybe but it works. With the Gubal this would give me more freedom. Many greetings and thanks for your continued research ànd quality!! Luc
Dear friends.
Please, this is a translation by Google :)
I do not know about you absolutely nothing. Yesterday I came across on the Internet at your work and sound absolutely captivated me. I like “small” child = blank sheet .. I know I have totally changed my life. I bring people together through music. I love the sounds, vibrations, I love music. I have no musical training. I just feel the music. The sound is a universal language. I live in the Czech Republic. I feel that I live in New Zealand with dolphins and whales. What you are creating is absolutely amazing. Therefore, you are free to ask for permission to play on one of your works. Maybe our way of life, therefore, for a long time. We live an amazing time ever happen “miracles” every day :)) See you soon friends.
With Love
Igor Michael
the sound of the instrument is realle beatiful, but the difficult for have one, is amazing and sabina and felix, are not really friendly i been en switzelarnd and sabine close the door on mi face… i think if they are a special instrument makers they must be special people also… and not sou arrogant…. leave the instrument be free and give the option to the people to have one…..
i hope this site respect all the opnions y dont cesuraid mi comment
you are quite wary assuming I would censor you. Did I anything to justify this expectation?
I’m not astonished about your experience at the door of PANArt. Would you be friendly when several persons showed up uninvited daily at your door and wanted to discuss with you that they must get a Hang? This is not a sign of arrogance, just a matter of self protection.
but i think that it is not the way to be with persons that have some ilution about some think… if i make some very special think and some body come in my home, with interest on that, the lest that i can do is to be friendly, because i the reflect of my production….
I translate my message from July 27th cause I am curious to see if I’m the only one to think that.
Frankly € 34 for a book of 44 pages ok there is a cd ok!
I am very disappointed by the creator of panart, it seemed that they were so in philosophy over the money, there is good evidence that everything is good to make cash.
I guess they are more than comfortable with the sale of their hang drum, they could made a kind of gift to all the people like me who dream of one day owning their instrument, knowing that it is virtually impossible to get one.
All the people who have been attending for years, support, admire, a small gesture for them what! they could sell the book just to pay its cost, but do not make money on this, it’s rather pathetic.
Otherwise I found people who also manufacture steel pan, but it is in another process, normal people.
You can find pictures of différents manufacturing stages of their instrument all what you never see with panart for FREE
Simple people, almost symphatiques share their knowledge and passion without fuss and without charge, and sell their products without cover letter and all these boolshit, just put your name on a waiting list.
All this to say that since I know the hang drum, I dream to play one day, but I’ve realized that with panart it would remain a dream, but hey I could understand the creative process, a certain philosophy, no too much money profits ect, but there with this book it suddenly opened my eyes.
In fact they are like everyone else, they have the goose that lays golden eggs and want to make money.
Felix and Sabrina that’s not right what you’re doing: “give this book!”
Buongiorno sig Michael Paschko e un buongiorno a tutti i lettori del hang blog del mondo,Sig.Felix e Sig.ra Sabina scrivo perchè credo che vi sia in questo momento il bisogno di farlo,leggo pareri positivi e negativi ,io credo che dal mio punto di vista ognuno possa dire i propri sentimenti ma vorrei ricordare a coloro che scrivono in preda ,credo, alla rabbia che, alla base vi debba sempre essere la buona educazione poichè in fondo il rispetto alle persone debba sempre essere dato a prescindere dalle scelte giuste o sbagliate che ognuno possa fare. Non siate arrabbiati con la panart perchè credetemi hanno un cuore d’oro,l’hang è la mia vita è il mio essere,ma quanti sono disposti realmente a non apparire e stare dietro alle fila per una propria profonda crescita interiore?Io credo pochi ,ho scelto di essere un hang player per potere trovare me stesso il Sig Felix E la Sig.ra Sabina hanno coronato il mio sogno,non sono su you tube e tutti gli altri siti sono in strada con le persone comuni come me che hanno bisogno di ascoltare il suono dell’hang che accompagna i suoni della natura.Perciò vi chiedo con il cuore in mano non giudicate così in modo crudo la panart perchè credetemi non è così,scusate il mio sfogo ,oltretutto non ho mai scritto sul blog perchè sono una persona riservata ma credo che in questo momento di svolta ve ne sia bisogno .Un abbraccio a tutti voi
Hi fontaine michel,
strong claims. Are you sure you read everything published by PANARt free of charge in the last 20 years?
Ah, saw for the first time the makers of the instrument, and heard Gubal – thank you for the link Uolter! Something to brighten this dark day. I’ll probably get strange dreams again, like I tend to get when I listen to their instruments being played – have seen Felix in a dream right after finding out about Hang. Deeply stirring, and for no reason I can explain at all. How I wish I could make something like that…
What is the matter with the price of the book? For a cloth-bound (it seems by photos) hard-cover small-edition book it is not expensive. If it is printed in Europe, or especially in Swizerland (and not in China as a lot of hard-cover books nowadays), it is cheap, and also not so hard on the environment as things made in China. Just having a problem ordering with my card, it seems to require some verification code that I have not needed before with PayPal. But I’ll figure that out.
The comments remind me of the book reviews in Amazon: I figured out pretty quickly that the negative reviews are much more informative than positive ones – a ranting person will reveal a lot about themselves in how they describe something they dislike. Pointing out exactly what they dislike, and their reaction in do the object of dislike – a lot of information. The dislike of certain people can be a very accurate pointer to something I can really like. A sort of resonance thing, maybe. How something makes a person resonate – for some reason I can trace a pure sound (for me, that is) from a very dissonant reflector. And I have sometimes missed badly when buying a book that has only wonderfully positive reviews. So, the comments are just extremely interesting.
Hi Michael,
the arrival of Gubal means that the Panart will no longer produce the hangdrum?
Hi daniele fonte,
a “hangdrum” was never built by PANArt. ;-) People who are interested in the Free Integral Hang or the Gubal should wait for information by PANArt (see article above).
II listened and lstened and listened the sound of the Gubal….I must say the Hang is the one :-) for me.
any news on its release date ?
Before to buy the book: do you know if the CD works in North America?
The DVDs and CDs from Europe often don’t work well here in Canada, because of areas of commercial protections.
Thank you!
It’s not the attitude of the makers who surprise me, they are in their world and if they were common people, they hadn’t created these, the only thing i hate is the ‘sunday player’….
Hi Eve,
I know about a number of people in USA who had no problems playing the CD.
@Uolter – thank you for bringing the video to our attention. Beautiful. I was smiling the whole way through !
yes, thanks Uolter
I think everyone should look at it from Felix & Sabina’s point of view. They are trying to create something new. As a designer I can appreciate the complexity of a design to a manufacturing stage but for a new musical instrument this must be tenfold. The only way it can work is using this site as a buffer to allow them the space & time to create something to everyone’s high expectations. I would be angry if I had to rush to a deadline and I was not happy with the final result because of outside pressure. After we are all dead and gone they will be judged on their quality of work not on satisfying the guy knocking the front door. If you want quality wait, if not then you can compromise with a cheaper imitation.
I am interested in purchasing a hangdrum and need to know the process, price and availability as to purchasing this item
I guess I’ll save Michael the trouble on this one…
As far as I know, Hang are only available upon the acceptance of a request sent into PANArt’s studio. However, the makers have not yet released any information concerning distribution for this year. Check back on this site every once in a while for updates. You’ll notice in the article above that PANArt recently reactivated their website, I recommend visiting that site as well.
Also, my understanding is that although the Hang does possess some potential percussive and rhythmic elements, it shouldn’t be confused with a drum. Personally I think the Hang is more closely related to the idiophone class of instruments.
Hola ,Conoci este instrumento por la web y creo que es fantastico . Soy artista y musico tambien , vivo en Chile y se que aqui no existe nada parecido y tam´poco a llegado el instrumento .
La verdad es que su sonido me estremece y se que tengo que conseguir uno .es muy importante para mi y mucha gente .Se que no es solo un tema musical , es algo tremendamente espiritual .
Quisiera saber si podria comprar uno y tocarlo aca al sur del mundo de verdad es muy imporatnte .
Les mando mi pagina web para vean quien soy , espero poder contactarme, tengo un hermano que vive en Alemania y el podria comprarlo y enviarmelo .
Gracias por lo que puedan ayudarme. Envio mis datos. muchas gracias y Saludos
Hi David Cofre,
I’m not involved in the distribution of Hang and Gubal. Therefor I cannot help you buying one. I only can point to the information provided on my website.
Hola, mi nombre es Gaston, vivo en argentina, queria felicitarlos por el trabajo y esfuerzo dedicados en este camino. El año que viene tendre la suerte de visitar Zurich y me quisiera saber si puedo acercarme a la experiencia de escuchar, vivenciar este arte que comparten seria realmente un privilegio, muchas gracias.
The Video was wonderful, i love the booming bass sound the new Gubal presents, inspiring!! Truely Genius at work, i have listened to 100’s of videos of the different types of pan instruments… None are more personal and filled with joyous sounds than the PANart works of art… :)
A long career is coming to an end and new horizon in retirement are opening. I look forward to those days of bliss caressing a Hang or Gubal as I make my way through the rest of my days. I hope the opportunity is given me to make this wish a reality. Best wishes for your new venture and blessing to you and all whom produce joyous tones through metal.
Hi,I’m interested to buy a hang drum,someone could give me some indications please,where can I order,some more info about it.
Thanks everyone”
Where can I purchase on of these amazing instruments?
Hi Cira,
You can find the most recent public announcement by PANArt about purchasing a Gubal here: saying: “The first series of Gubal is intended for experienced Free Hang players who will help us to further explore this new art form. During the coming months […] the Gubal construction will follow its course.” The current phase is a sort of pilot phase. The Gubal development is still ongoing. There will surely be news next year. I think people interested in the Gubal should follow, and and then will know what to do, when it is time.
About purchasing a Hang have look here: