hangblog.org is a documentation project about PANArt Hang Manufacturing Ltd., the Hang and other Pang instruments in German and English language.
It is published by
Frank Sturm
Sonnenstr. 321
49453 Barver
email: admin[at]hangblog.org
hangblog.org has released a number of publications by PANArt Hang Manufacturing Ltd., but it is not a Website by PANArt. PANArt’s website is published at panart.ch .
Please don’t contact the administration of hangblog.org regarding the purchase of PANArt’s instruments. They are exclusively sold by PANArt. You will find information on panart.ch .
Hang®, Gubal®, Pang® and PANArt® are registered trademarks of PANArt Hang Manufacturing Ltd. in many countries.