Today I launch a new version of this website, almost right on time for its tenth anniversary. The previous layout needed to be renewed for quite some time now, due to reasons of content as well as of technique. This seemed like a lot of work and I therefore hesitated to take up the task. Over the last six months I achieved it by and by. Today I can present you the result.
What is new?
- The website got a new responsive layout with a plain design nicely readable on desktop computers as well as on smartphones.
- The Hang Library was simplified and structured more clearly. The Internet directory was canceled. Instead you will find all relevant publications in the same lists, regardless of where they are published.
- You will now find the Hangblog with short news and pointers to new publications on the start page.
- The new section For Readers in a Hurry provides easy access to basic information with recommendations for further reading for those who want to dig deeper.
Furthermore, all entries in the Hang Library were checked and, when necessary, updated or corrected. A number of new entries were added.
I wish all visitors a pleasant stay on these pages.